Archives for category: News from the Poloverse

The World Hardcourt Bike Polo Championships 2012 have been confirmed as being held in Geneva, Switzerland, on the 14th to 18th of August 2012. 48 teams will compete over the four day competition.

Although guaranteed spots have been given to the top AHBPC teams, Geneva will be holding a small ‘Wildcard’ tournament in the days before the World Championships. This will be for unqualified teams to compete for a place in the main tournament. This includes those who were unable to attend the AHBPC. Geneva has made a preliminary offer of 2 spots to Australia and NZ for this tournament. The AHBPA will also manage this allocation for teams. These two spots will be offered in the same manner as the allocation process for the main tournament but will begin after the 4 spots have been accepted. If you did not attend the AHBPC, you can register your interest for a place at the Wildcard tournament by emailing “” with the subject “WHBPC Wildcard” with your name, city and whether it is as a team, or as an individual.

See for more information.

Hey Wellington!

The World Hardcourt Bike Polo Championships (WHBPC) are happening this year in Geneva, Switzerland, and even though it may be too far or too expensive for any of us to fly to, it is worth mentioning how the spots are allocated if anyone is considering going next year. Go to to find out more!

There’s a neat little bio on Bike Polo in Wellington at Goalhole. For those who don’t know, Goalhole is a website featuring all original polo news from Australasia. Check it out!

Goalhole is a new website especially made for and by Australasian bike polo players. Keep an eye out for all new original content featuring polo in our neck of the woods AND a feature on Wellington Bike Polo coming soon.

Deep in the dark corners of the internet lies this polo gem. East Van’s very own, Robbie is making history creating the worlds first “TV” show about bike polo. The show’s got interviews, polo montages, dick of the week, crashes, reviews and more. Hardcourt bike polo might be young, each place having their small local following, we may be worlds apart but we’re all the same: polo obsessed, drawn together by this sport we love to play.

Keep them coming Robbie.


Wellington has one team confirmed and as the “Taupo Tap Out” tournament draws nearer, information will be added here.

Sounds like there will be teams from Australia too! It should be a grand ol’ time! Get your team together and register with Nigel at

The world hardcourt bike polo championships were held in Seattle this past weekend. Seventy-Two teams from around the world gathered to battle it out for the world champ title, and after five days of beautiful polo Canada’s very own East Vancouver team, “Crazy Canucks”, win 5-4 in overtime against the French team “Call Me Daddy”. Congrats to Rory, Chris and Alex!

Winning Goal



Full Game


Wellington Bike Polo now has a presence on the League of Bike Polo website. The site is the main international platform for hardcourt bike polo and we are now among the 300 plus clubs listed around the world. You can sign up for your own profile and participate in the forums, post and browse polo related photos and videos, read other club’s blogs, and catch up on the latest tournaments world wide.

The web is littered with so many insanely good polo videos, but these are some of my all time favourites. Also, check back soon, I hear some of the Dame Truth boys are cooking up a special Wellington Bike Polo video.

Some short and sweet, some epic. So queue them up, sit back and enjoy!