Archives for category: League
Hey everyone,
We’ve been a wee bit slow on getting organized for summer league. This was supposed to be have started already, but we’re going to get the ball rolling shortly.
Given that we have many months of fine weather ahead, we’re going to aim for having two separate leagues to run consecutively.
The first will run from Tuesday November 13th through to Mid January, and then we will start a new competition, possibly with slightly different teams to run through February and April.
Emails to to register. You can register as a team or an individual at this stage, or even as a partial team looking for another player. There will likely be a fair bit of team rearranging in the first week and throughout the competition, to squeeze everybody in we may even need some teams of 4, but i’m sure we’ll work it out.
Competition draws will be sent out once we have a list of teams. It may be that on the first night of the year any full teams registered play first while others arrange themselves into teams. Round Robin competition will be followed by a few weeks of double elimination near the end. There will be prizes, and chips.
We will be playing pickup this coming Tuesday 6th, feel free to come down. We do sometimes play what has become affectionately known as “little fat court 2v2” on weeknights if we are short on people, a really fun and fast style of polo.

Our first league night was a big success in spite of the pouring rain. Thanks for coming out; you guys are polo right to the cold, drenched bone. Check the page on here for a schedule of upcoming games and knock on wood for better weather!

League polo games will be starting Monday evenings with the first games kicking off the season on May 14th. I’ve sent an e-mail with info to our regular mailing list; however, if you want to play and did not receive the e-mail please let me know by sending a quick message to

3, 2, 1… Polo!